仲裁法律事務所デュゲに代わって行動 & カートリーのクライアント, の バロッツェランド国立自由同盟 (BNFA), William Kirtley has published an article concerning Barotseland’s bid for independence from Zambia in the leading Francophone African news magazine 若いアフリカ.

バロッツェランドのムワナウィナ3世とイギリスのRt Hon Macmillan (1月 1960)
元イギリスの保護領 バロッツェランド willingly chose to become part of ザンビア に従って バロッツェランド協定 1964, a treaty brokered by the United Kingdom that was intended to preserve Barotseland’s semi-autonomous status within an independent Zambia.
ケネスカウンダ, ザンビア初代大統領, signed the treaty himself on behalf of the Government of Northern Rhodesia, he and the Zambian Government would violate every provision of the Barotseland Agreement 1964 ザンビア独立後すぐに, going so far as to modify the Zambian Constitution to remove all references to the Barotseland Agreement 1964, に “無効にする” the British act of parliament granting sovereignty to Zambia which referred to the Barotseland Agreement 1964, バロットランド国庫の収用, to changing the name of Barotseland to the generic “西部” and attempting to destroy Barotseland’s previously well-functioning institutions.
当然のことながら, に 2012, の Barotseland National Council voted to accept Zambia’s abrogation of the Barotseland Agreement 1964, with the logical consequence that Barotseland had regained its independence since the treaty by which it freely forged a union with Zambia had ended. まだ, ザンビアは対話に参加するのではなく、バロッセランドの元イギリス保護国の抑圧を高めました, imprisoning dozens of Barotseland activists on the charge of treason and increasing the police presence in Barotseland while refusing to consider Barotseland’s calls for the peaceful resolution of the issue of Barotseland’s legal status by way of ハーグのPCA仲裁.

ソース: 若いアフリカ (2014)
現在まで, 約 10,000 バロッツェランドの代表がPCA仲裁合意に署名しました designed to allow an independent and neutral arbitral tribunal in The Hague to rule upon the status of the Barotseland Agreement 1964 国際法に従って. President Sata of Zambia has steadfastly refused to sign the PCA arbitration agreement, in an apparent recognition that Zambia’s acts flagrantly violated the treaty.
The article in 若いアフリカ concerning Barotseland’s enlightened attempts to have the issue of its legal status settled by way of PCA arbitration, ザンビアが求めているように見えるので、暴力ではなく, was prepared jointly by the BNFA, William Kirtley, フランスの社会科学者, Koralie Wietrzykowski、Audrey、ChristopheDugué. It may be found online at https://jeuneafrique.com/Article/ARTJAWEB20140606174635/ and is reproduced below.