BBCニュースによるインタビュー (BBCムンド) ペトロレオスデベネズエラS.A.が計画した米国資産の売却に関連して, William Kirtley discussed the possibility of prohibiting the the sale of State-owned assets through interim measures issued by arbitral tribunals or through domestic courts.
Arbitral tribunals have the power to prevent the sale of assets to preserve the 現状 pending resolution of the outcome of the dispute under most modern international arbitration rules. 州裁判所はまた、仲裁を支持する暫定措置を発行する権限を持っています, which are similar in nature and often overlap with the arbitral tribunal’s own power in this respect.
仲裁人は暫定措置を命令します, which are intended to preserve the 現状 pending the outcome of the dispute, ある当事者に危害が及ぶ可能性がある場合. これは多くの場合、資産の譲渡により最終的な仲裁裁定の執行が困難になるためです。, 資産を執行手続の範囲外に置く.
The BBC’s article on this matter may be found at: