2014 内部法律顾问调查
Today’s General Counsel has reported the latest survey concerning whether arbitration should be preferred to litigation to resolve disputes.
内部律师赞赏通过仲裁解决争端的非正式形式, 以及它有可能避免糟糕的法院系统和陪审团的裁决. 当涉及敏感事实时, 例如与客户或主要供应商, 他们还倾向于仲裁. 其他人之所以选择仲裁,是因为他们认为仲裁的成本较低,而且发现范围有限.
另一方面, 其他人不完全喜欢仲裁,因为它限制了发现, they did not like the fact that arbitration was less likely to provide an all-or-nothing decision, and they did not like the fact that arbitration decisions could not be appealed (虽然这也可以算是一个优势, 因为这意味着可以更快地做出具有约束力的决定). 一些答复者还指出, 成本明智的, they found arbitration to be the same as litigation.
优先于诉讼的仲裁. 四分之一的优先仲裁胜于诉讼, 和 21% preferred litigation to arbitration. 42% 的受访者表示不赞成仲裁或诉讼, 他们发现相似, 他们之所以使用仲裁来决定法律纠纷的唯一原因是合同中有明确规定.
简而言之, 仲裁被视为与诉讼相当相似. Since a dispute resolution system with no appeals should cost less than a State-sponsored dispute resolution system with multiple levels of appeals, 如果仲裁提高了成本效益,那么它应该能够为商业客户保持诉讼优势, 然而.