A notice of dispute against Swaziland has been submitted to the King of Swaziland, 姆斯瓦蒂三世国王je下, 以及他的总理和其他政府实体. 代表外国投资者带来了南部非洲资源有限公司 (“SARL公司”), 斯威士兰ICSID仲裁通知书称,合资企业中的国王代表拒绝允许运输铁矿石而制造了人为的现金危机, 然后以此现金危机为借口寻求合资企业的司法管理, 使外国投资者在公司中的股份一文不值.
据说SARL公司投资了大约USD 50 斯威士兰百万. 这项投资涉及回收英美资源集团(Anglo American)在1970年代留下的铁矿石堆场,以及加工用于出口的铁矿石.
The dispute is being brought on the basis of the Swaziland Investment Promotion Act of 2008, although the Notice of Investment Dispute also serves as a notice under the Protocol on Finance and Investment (2006). Swaziland became a Party to the ICSID Convention Convention in 1971.
在仲裁方面, Swaziland is perhaps best known for the ICC arbitration dispute between MTN and the Swaziland Post and Telecommunications Corporation (SPTC), 导致ICC仲裁裁定SPTC违反了合资协议. 就像这里, 该企业与斯威士兰国王有关, 据报谁拥有 25% 在铁矿石合资企业中的股份. 目前的争议被认为是针对斯威士兰的第一笔投资条约仲裁。.
的威廉·柯特利 Aceris Law LLC is representing the foreign investor whose shareholding was allegedly expropriated.
A copy of the Swaziland ICSID arbitration notice of dispute is available, 随着 交货通知.