威廉•柯特利(William Kirtley)与BBC新闻讨论在仲裁过程中禁止出售资产的临时措施.
英国广播公司新闻专访 (英国广播公司) 关于委内瑞拉石油公司计划出售其美国资产的事宜, William Kirtley discussed the possibility of prohibiting the the sale of State-owned assets through interim measures issued by arbitral tribunals or through domestic courts.
Arbitral tribunals have the power to prevent the sale of assets to preserve the 现状 pending resolution of the outcome of the dispute under most modern international arbitration rules. 州法院也有权发布临时措施以支持仲裁, which are similar in nature and often overlap with the arbitral tribunal’s own power in this respect.
仲裁员将命令采取临时措施, which are intended to preserve the 现状 pending the outcome of the dispute, 如果对一方可能造成伤害. 这通常是因为资产转移将使执行最终仲裁裁决更加困难, 将资产置于执法程序的范围之外.
The BBC’s article on this matter may be found at: