WIPO is the World Intellectual Property Organization, which is the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information and cooperation. It was founded in 1967 and is part of the United Nations. Its mission consists in achieving a balanced and effective international IP system, thus enabling innovation and creativity for the benefit of all. […]
International Arbitration and Intellectual Property (IP) Disputes
International arbitration is an increasingly popular method for the resolution of intellectual property (“IP”) disputes. This does not come as a surprise, considering the increasing importance of intellectual property to economic prosperity, international trade and commercial profits in today’s globalized and digitalized world. Traditionally, IP disputes were mainly heard by national courts. This is because […]
How to Initiate International Arbitration
Initiating international arbitration is a rather simple process, which can be done by lawyers or even non-lawyers: In ad hoc arbitrations, normally, it requires only the service of a “Notice of Arbitration” to the respondent. In administered arbitrations, usually, it requires submission of a “Notice of Arbitration” or a “Request for Arbitration” before the competent […]
Aceris Law International Arbitration Boutique Ranked As First-Tier Recommended International Arbitration Firm
Aceris Law has been ranked as a first-tier, recommended international arbitration firm by the Leader’s League Intelligence Report for 2017. The rankings of recommended international arbitration firms are shown below. Aceris Law was similarly ranked as a recommended international arbitration firm in 2015-2016, and it was highly-regarded prior to spinning off from DK AARPI. The Leader’s […]
William Kirtley Discusses Intellectual Property Arbitration
William Kirtley, partner at the international arbitration law firm Dugué & Kirtley, discusses intellectual property arbitration and mediation, in this webinar moderated by Dr. Roya Ghafele of Oxford. While the filing of patents, trademarks or design rights at the international level is by and large an uncomplicated and simple matter, thanks to swift and uncomplicated […]