Sovereign immunity is divided into immunity from jurisdiction and immunity from execution.[1] The conditions under which these immunities apply are of particular importance in the field of arbitration. According to the French Supreme Court, sovereignty and independence of States prevent one of them from pursuing another.[4] In other words, national judges must refrain from ruling […]
S SpA v. T GmbH, Oberster Gerichtshof, Case No. 180Cg1/15v, 23 June 2015
This case, resulting from a partial award rendered in a VIAC commercial arbitration, concerns the formal requirements of the validity of an arbitration agreement under Austrian law. The facts are as follows: a German consultant signed a contract for service with S SpA, an Italian company, for the sale of heat exchangers. This contract was […]
The Enforcement of ICSID Awards
The recognition and enforcement of ICSID awards is governed by Articles 53, 54 and 55 of the ICSID Convention. A party who seeks enforcement of an ICSID award may do so in any ICSID Contracting State, under the same conditions, and may simultaneously do so in more than one State.[1] The choice of enforcement forum […]
Kosovo ICSID Arbitration
The youngest European State has been slowly but gradually becoming a Member of various International Organizations, and it now it is facing its first investment treaty arbitration claim.[1] Kosovo has been a member of the IMF and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development since 2009 and became a member of the ICSID by signing the […]
New English Court Decision Regarding Third-Party Funding Cost Recovery in Arbitration
In 2008, Norscot Rig Management Pvt Limited (“Norscot”), the Claimant, successfully brought a claim in arbitration before the ICC in London, against Essar Oilfield Services Limited (“Essar”), the Respondent. The Arbitrator (Sir Philip Otton) held that the Respondent had breached an operation management agreement relating to an offshore drilling platform and thus was liable to pay over […]