The 1975 Inter-American Convention on International Commercial Arbitration, also known as the “Panama Convention“, is a significant multilateral agreement of which not all in the arbitration community are aware. The Convention was open to signature by all 35 Members of the Organization of American States (OAS) and entered into force on 16 June 1976. This […]
Judgment-Proof Claimants in ICSID Arbitration
The issue of judgment-proof claimants in ICSID arbitration has recently been a focus of attention. As a matter of fact, the Republic of Panama sent a memorandum to ICSID on 12 September 2016, available below, exposing the difficulties of sovereigns being unable to collect costs awards in their favour and requesting the ICSID to examine […]
Alejandra Delfin | El recurso de nulidad y la recepción de la jurisprudencia en la Decisión de los Comités Ad Hoc
[Revista de Derecho Administrativo (ReDA) #84, Ed. Lexis Nexis – Abeledo Perrot. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Pages 1817/1829. December 2012. ISSN 1851-0590] 1.- Introducción Mucho se ha discutido acerca de lo que acontece en torno a las demandas presentadas por inversores extranjeros contra la República Argentina ante el CIADI, enmarcadas en los Tratados Bilaterales de Promoción […]