The initiation of arbitration proceedings on the basis of investment protection treaties may be subject to time limitations (ratione temporis limitations). The most common types of time limits are the provisions establishing cooling-off periods that may require claimants to wait and attempt to solve the dispute amicably before they can bring a claim. Less common […]
Alejandra Delfin | El recurso de nulidad y la recepción de la jurisprudencia en la Decisión de los Comités Ad Hoc
[Revista de Derecho Administrativo (ReDA) #84, Ed. Lexis Nexis – Abeledo Perrot. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Pages 1817/1829. December 2012. ISSN 1851-0590] 1.- Introducción Mucho se ha discutido acerca de lo que acontece en torno a las demandas presentadas por inversores extranjeros contra la República Argentina ante el CIADI, enmarcadas en los Tratados Bilaterales de Promoción […]
ICC Rules Of Arbitration (1975 through current rules of arbitration)
A colleague in Africa recently requested an older version of the ICC Rules of Arbitration, and to our surprise they were not widely available. Below, please find three decades of ICC Arbitration Rules, starting in 1975 and running through the 2012 ICC Rules, which are the latest version and currently applicable. While some of the older versions may be […]
The ICC’s New Mediation Rules
On 4 December 2013, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) published its new Mediation Rules, which come into effect on 1 January 2014. These Rules replace the ICC’s current Amicable Dispute Resolution (ADR) Rules, which have been in force since 1 July 2001. They are available on the ICC’s website, at The change in name (from […]
Recent ICSID Cases Discussed in the Investment Arbitration Reporter
February 28, 2013 (Vol. 6, No. 5) 1. First hearing in Philip Morris v. Australia arbitration is pushed into 2014, as New Zealand reveals it is awaiting outcome of Australian cases 2. Effort fails in bid to disqualify former Argentine official Gabriel Bottini in Saint-Gobain v. Venezuela arbitration 3. Sri Lanka breached BIT due to […]