Aceris Law has secured another highly favourable international arbitration award, obtaining an arbitration award in excess of USD 19 million on behalf of a North American client, while warding off counterclaims in excess of USD 131 million. The final award in the ICC arbitration was rendered in October 2017. It concerned an engineering, design, procurement […]
ICC Emergency Arbitrator Rules
The 2012 ICC emergency arbitrator rules extend the advantages of arbitration to parties who are in urgent need of interim measures before an arbitral tribunal has been constituted. Before, parties had to seek such measures from State courts, which was not always possible or desired. An application for Emergency Measures can be filed prior to the Request for Arbitration under the ICC […]
Emergency Arbitrator Award
Most arbitration rules of the leading arbitration institutions have today introduced the possibility of appointing an Emergency Arbitrator who will decide on Interim Measures (including the ICC, the LCIA, the SIAC, the HKIAC and the SCC). These rules are being increasingly used by parties to request interim measures. The Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber […]
Limitations on Post-Award Remedies under the ICC Rules
There are limitations on post-award remedies under the ICC Rules because one of the main reasons that private parties seek to have disputes resolved via international arbitration rather than national courts is the final and binding nature of arbitral awards. Due to human beings’ fallibility, “all arbitral awards, like all national court judgments and academic treatises, […]
Chinese Arbitration Framework
The Chinese Arbitration Framework within which the arbitration is conducted consists of the law, the judicial interpretation and international treaties. First, the laws adopted by the legislature, in particular the 1994 Chinese Arbitration Law, are the most important sources in relation to the Chinese Arbitration Framework, a copy of which is available below. Second, in […]