In recent years, Moldova has seen a rise in the number of investment arbitrations filed against it. As its judicial system struggles to eliminate corruption and inefficiency, international arbitration is seen as an important tool and a guarantee for international investors. The protection of foreign investments is an important issue in the Moldovan political agenda, since one of its goals is to attract more […]
Emergency Arbitrator Award
Most arbitration rules of the leading arbitration institutions have today introduced the possibility of appointing an Emergency Arbitrator who will decide on Interim Measures (including the ICC, the LCIA, the SIAC, the HKIAC and the SCC). These rules are being increasingly used by parties to request interim measures. The Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber […]
Restitution in Investment Arbitration
In case of outright expropriation or the creeping expropriation of an investment, or of a harm caused by wrongful acts committed by a host State, restitution in investment arbitration is possible, amongst other remedies. The foreign investor can request an arbitral tribunal to order the State to fully repair the injuries it has causes. The […]
Can Russian Investors Initiate Arbitration Against Cyprus to Recover their Losses?
Many Russian depositors are facing losses of up to 40 percent in Cyprus, and are currently considering their legal options. Should one of these options be initiating an investment treaty arbitration against Cyprus for expropriation on the basis of the 1997 Russian Federation-Cyprus bilateral investment treaty, which is included here: IAA-Bilateral-Investment-Treaty-Between-Russia-and-Cyprus. Such a claim could most […]